Friday, January 30, 2009

I want my $18B back from Wall Street

Am I the only one who thinks that Wall Street continues to give the finger to the rest of the country by ruthless hoarding tax dollars and not using the bailout money for issuing credit and reorganizing failing mortgages?

The least that should be done is for Congress to haul the Wall Streeters who begged for bailout money before a congressional hearing or two and demand an embarrassing accounting of what they have done with our money.

The gov't should have bailed out Social Security or home owners or wanna be home owners and let Wall Street eat its young in order to make this market correction.

What is going to happen differently now to ensure that the bailout beneficiaries do what they were intended to do with these tax funds? What about the stimulus package? Is it going to work or will it be so loaded with political compromises that it accomplishes nothing?

I want answers. And I want accountability. I'm tired of yelling at the television!

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